The Author

Natalie grew up in Cheltenham, England, where she attended Pate's Grammar School. She never cared much for rugby.

She studied Computer Science at Swansea University. She cared possibly too much for the social side of university life.

After university she remained in Swansea, where she lives with a small rainforest of houseplants.

She enjoys building utility apps that will never be completed, playing Civilization against her partners, and coming up with creative ways to kill the players in her latest TTRPG campaign.

She is transgender.

The Site

This site was put together using the Astro framework. Everything you see was accomplished using nothing but stylesheets. The design was inspired by the brutalist revival of the early 2020s web, and intentionally emphasises functionality over flash.

The choice to use Astro was inspired by a desire to use the right tool for the job. Astro provides a lightning-fast Time To Interactive, and, even better, allows developers to Frankenstein together applications using other frameworks, including React. The day is coming that I figure out something interesting to do with this thing.

Plus, it was fun to put together the majority of a site "old school", using nothing but stylesheets and a tiny bit of vanilla JavaScript, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to experiment with a piece of bleeding-edge tech.